Sunday, January 10, 2016

Art Gallery Demo

I was asked to do the demo at the Llano Fine Art Guild and Gallery before our January meeting. At first I was a little panic-stricken,'s painting...with sticks...on rocks. How am I going to fill up the time? Fortunately I find the history of painting with sticks pretty interesting and that's all I need to start talking :-)

It went pretty well. I cleaned, dried and primed a bunch of rocks, set out my own painted rocks down the rows of tables for inspiration, set out lots of acrylic paints and blunt and pointed chopsticks. As you can imagine, they were painting up a storm in no time. There were even expeditions out to the parking lot to hunt for more rocks! These people know how to party.

I did a quick demo on henna painting on various surfaces and pointed out my Christmas ornaments were on sale for 1/2 price. I'd rather sell them than store them. All in all a pretty successful demo, I wasn't too nervous a first-timer and the attendees seemed to enjoy themselves.

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